Freak Show

I had two “coffee dates” to finish up before i really do try to end this really sad and pathetic addiction. the first of these two was today. This encounter was brought to me by OKcupid, so far the site least likely to send me anything that isn’t Freak Show material. My first from that site was the previously mentioned bi-sexual who dumped for not being big enough (for what??, still not sure). The next was a guy who snagged me because his office was across the street where I was exchanging a film festival ticket. He told me a long-winded (boring) story about washing the floor of his stepson’s bedroom while he (the stepson) was in the hospital after falling off a roof doing some renovating. See, I told you it was boring. I literally ran out of the Queen and Peter Starbucks. Today’s though was a combination of Dustin Hoffman’s two most powerful roles. Ratso from Midnight Cowboy and the idiot savant from Rainman. All this combined with teeth so bad I could barely believe it. Bad teeth being the one thing that is intolerable (universally I’m sure). I started making up stories of trips to Connecticut for several weeks and having to leave in mere seconds to make dinner for a friend. I was shocked. Not at his teeth or the fact that although he had lived in Toronto all his life and grown up at Bathurst and Eglinton, he had never been to Kensington Market before. No, the shock that hit me so deeply and fully was that I voluntarily was meeting literally anyone for coffee. This man and his bad teeth convinced me that I must get off the on-line dating train. My final coffee klatch is Monday with the fake jew from J-Date. After Monday I’ll be free (or at ready for an intervention). I never want to live with or marry anyone so why do I do this?? It’s for the thrill of the hunt.

2 responses to “Freak Show

  1. Certainly some of the pics on these sites are scary…and presumably this is them looking goooooood!

  2. Frank G aka Phunkybrats

    You forget to tell me earlier about cleaning his stepsons floors…thank God for your blog! How else could I keep up with you? So I dabbled a little in the gay Jew dating realm…typical, before I knew it he was hoping to get me naked…needless to say I left him with his pants on the floor and the middle finger pointed at me. Meh.

    Btw, rented the best documentary called Gypsy Caravan. Its about these traveling gypsies from 9 countries on a musical world tour…brilliant!

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